Lookalike Mother Daughter - Eugene & Ro Hee

1. [+69,-2] Ro Hee became so pretty~^^ She was so cute when she was a baby. She's grown up pretty^^

2. [+38,-2] She doesn't looks like her mother when she was a baby. She's growing up looking like her mother~ She's so pretty^^

3. [+15,-1] Eugene~ she's still pretty^^ Ro Hee has grown up well

4. [+8,0] She looks  just like her dad. She's getting so pretty~~

5. [+9,-4] All the babies of pretty actresses look exactly like their dads~ Eugene, Kim Hee Sun, Hwang Shin Hye, Lee Sang Ah, etc.

1. [+81,-3] She has grown up so pretty. You can see mature refinement on her face.

2. [+47,-1] Mom is so pretty...

3. [+36,0] She looks just like her dad

4. [+15,-0] Rohee is pretty. But she looks exactly the same as her dad. But she is still pretty.

5. [+9,-1] Wow, Ro Hee has grown up a lot. Be as pretty as you are now, and grow up to be a nice girl~^^

6. [+6,0] It's woman version of Ki Tae Youngㅎㅎ

Lookalike Mother Daughter - Eugene & Ro Hee Lookalike Mother Daughter - Eugene & Ro Hee Reviewed by byeol on May 21, 2019 Rating: 5

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